Sunday, March 6, 2011

And the Eagles Again...

As I was leaving Bay City to head back home to Ypsilanti, I decided to stop by the eagles again. I love looking at them because they are such magnificent birds. They were still hanging around in the trees and this time they were in a couple trees that were closer to the road, so I could get some pretty good pics.

This picture wasn't cropped or blown up or anything. It is straight out of the camer.

I love it when the eagles are looking right at me.

He was getting ready to take off to move to another branch. I kind of like this pose because it looks like the typical eagle pose.

One of the young eagles in the sky.

One of the young eagles sitting in a tree.

Same bird but he's looking a different way.

One more shot of the eagle.

I think of the shots I took of the eagles so far, these are probably my favorites. The early post from this evening are probably my second favorite. I'm just glad that a Congress 40 years ago had the foresight to pass the Endangered Species act. It would be a shame if the only way we could see these birds is in a zoo or in pictures.

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