Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Angell Hall - University of Michigan

So yesterday was a pretty nice day, so I decided to head up to University of Michigan's campus after work for some pictures. This was mainly in my efforts to chase down more Albert Kahn buildings as there are a number of them on campus. Many of them are pretty close to the diag, so it wasn't too bad of a trip except for the fact I only had a little over an hour of daylight left.

My first stop was Angell Hall. I've taken pictures of this building before because I like the looks of it. I think deep in my mental vaults was the fact that it was designed by Albert Kahn but as I was looking up information about his buildings, I stumbled across this one.

This is the front of the building facing State Street. Up at the top you can see a slogan. It is also decorated with friezes depicting various aspects of education.

Angell Hall was the main part of a building program started by then University President Burton in 1920. At the time, it was getting pretty clear that the University was growing faster than the buildings could house the students. The building was named Angell Hall after James Angell, who was University President from 1871 to 1909.

The lamp of education or something.

A representation of the Ten Commandments.

A frieze depicting poetry. I think I like these kinds of things the most because they are things that you have to look for.

A frieze depicting history.

A pair of centaurs.

Another pair of centaurs.

A frieze depicting philosophy.

And another depicting the arts.

The building itself is of a neo-Classical style to fit in with the other architecture of the campus.

As I was looking at some of the details on the building, I looked up and noticed this lion's head. I think this may be a spigot because I noticed water dripping from the mouth.

Another angle looking up at the columns.

A depiction of James Angell.

Then I went inside the building for a little bit. If you think the outside looks nice, the inside looks about as nice. Some of the detail of the ceiling.

Looking at the entrance.

Another shot of the Lion's head.

An old University of Michigan seal.

The State of Michigan seal.

The building has four floors.

It is 480 feet long. I think at one time it may have been one of the largest classroom buildings in the country.


  1. The lamp of education is the same lamp from the University logo. The present-day logo doesn't have cherubim around it and the eagle with spread wings has been replaced with a rising-sun motif.

  2. Which is why I said "A...seal" instead of the seal. But still pretty cool looking...

  3. The slogan on top of Angell Hall is an excerpt from the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which set out how the Northwest Territory would be divided into states (eventually becoming Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota). It also contained a section that dealt with education, which is displayed here, that set forth the idea for public universities.
