Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Eagle Series

So I went up to my mom's this weekend. This of course meant that I had to go stop by the eagle spot. It was snowing on and off yesterday but it wasn't too cold until it got later in the day.

I wish I could tell the different between the male and female eagles. I think the males have slightly darker feathers. So I think this one is the male.

I'm pretty sure this one is the female.

I really liked the look of this shot, the eagle's head cocked like he was confused or something.

This one was kind of funny because it seemed like the eagle version of "wave off". One of the younger eagles was flying towards this spot and the eagle kept squawking and the younger eagle flew away.

Just some more shots of the eagle.

I kind of like this shot because it is the majestic looking bird shot.

Another shot I kind of like.

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