Monday, March 21, 2011

The Frankfort Lighthouse at Sunset

Our next stop was the Frankfort Lighthouse. This is another lighthouse I've posted before, so I'm not going to go into much detail.

Sunset is kind of tricky to get pictures of. For some reason, my autoexposures get wonky so this is one of the reasons why I was glad to have a camera with manual mode. For this picture, I purposely used a slight underexposure to get the shadow effect.

This one I used the proper exposure.

It's generally not a good idea to get the sun in pictures, but in this case it was sort of behind a little cloud cover, so it wasn't quite the direct sunlight.

For this one, I moved around a bit so that I could catch the light on the tower.

The sun is a little lower in the sky.

The sun is almost down.

As I was starting to put my camera away, my mom noticed that the light was coming on. So of course, I needed a picture of that.

I am quite pleased with how this pictures turned out. It was tough to pick this group.

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