Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things in the Sky

Lately I've been bringing my camera to work because it's been pretty sunny and that gives me the option of stopping somewhere after work. I think that there is a hawk that lives near there because every so often I see him around the place. Someone came up to me and told me that the hawk was flying around out back so I grabbed my camera.

At first I didn't see the hawk but I did see this turkey buzzard, so I took a picture of him. They aren't the prettiest looking birds but I do like them in soaring mode.

As I was looking around the sky, I saw the hawk. He was quite a ways up in the sky.

He came a little closer to the building, so I was able to get a better shot.

As I was looking around the sky, I saw this plane. I think it is an Airbus A319 or 320 but I'm not sure.

I also work fairly close to the Ann Arbor Airport, so it's not terribly surprising when I see a plane. Again, I'm not sure what kind of plane this is. I want to say a Piper something.

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