Sunday, April 3, 2011

He's a Lumberjack....

And he's okay. This is a picture of the Lumbermans Monument.

This is another thing that I have posted previously on this blog, so I wont got into too much history about it. At one time, lumber used to be king in Michigan but unfortunately, the lumber companies were not aware of good forest management practices so they pretty much logged the state. Fortunately, many of these trees have been replanted although it's no longer virgin forest.

A shot of the statue from the side.

Probably one of my favorite angles of this statue.

This is probably my favorite sculpt of the three.

Looking from behind the statue.

The Au Sable River still frozen. This always makes for a nice picture in the fall though.

A sleigh that would been used to carry logs in the winter.

A log jam. You can actually climb on this.

The sun was starting to peak out, so I got this shot with the light hitting the statue just right.

A close up of the faces.

From a different angle.

From the same angle as my first picture but with better light.

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