Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Sinking of the M Hat...Part II

So as I said in my first post of the evening, it was pretty windy. It didn't seem that bad at first but the wind kept picking up. I thought I was far enough on the shore that my hat wouldn't blow in the river. I guess I was wrong.
This time I got a shot as the hat was bobbing in the water. Unfortunately, it flipped over pretty quickly, so I couldn't get the shot of the M as it was bobbing in the water. Oh well.

It seemed close enough to the shore, that I thought I could grab it. So I put my camera down and found a stick to attempt a recovery because I figured I could wash it.

Sadly, it was just out of reach and my feet got wet as I lost my footing a little bit. So I just let it drift away.

So this is the second Michigan hat that the Detroit River has claimed from me. This one went on the train with me last year and all of my Michigan games. I will miss it but I will get another and start its journeys again.


  1. I am sad for the loss of your hat. I hope you will overcome this obstacle that life has thrown in your path. Much condolences, BlueDragon

  2. has the hats next of kin T-shirt and Sweatshirt been notified?

  3. We need to start fresh this season... With Everything.
