Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day and we here at Michigan Exposures would like to wish all moms a Happy Mother's Day. It wouldn't seem like a page here without a little history first.

Celebrations of Mother's Day can be found throughout the world and date back to at least the Greek or Roman times (I'm guessing earlier because fertility seems to be a celebrated thing in even more ancient cultures).

One of the first calls to celebrate Mother's Day in the United States was in 1870 as a reaction to the Civil and Franco-Prussian Wars. The proclamation was written by Julia Ward Howe. In 1912, the term Mother's Day and second Sunday in May was trademarked by Anna Jarvis. It was made an official holiday in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson. It soon became so commercialized that it is considered as a "Hallmark Holiday".
This is a shot of a mother Canada Goose and her goslings. I figure what better way to honor the holiday than with a shot of nature's families.

According to my friend, this goose just hatched her eggs.

A shot of just the goslings.

A better shot of the goose and her children.

And the proud father was not too far away standing watch.

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