Sunday, May 15, 2011

More Shots of the Eagles

So I went up to my mom's this weekend which of course meant a stop by the eagle's nest. And it seems that the mom just hatched her eggs too long ago.
I haven't seen the male eagle stand this close to the road in a while. I think he was keeping on eye on things to make sure that noone messed with the eaglets.

This is a shot of the mom feeding her young.

Another shot. Unfortunately, I had to do a little blowing up so the shot isn't as crisp as I would like.

Another shot of the father.

I think this is my favorite shot of the bunch.

A better shot of the mom feeding her young.

Another shot of the dad.

I kind of like this shot too.

Anyways, it was nice to see a shot of the mom feeding her eaglets. I never thought that I would be able to see something like that either. Gives me a bit of confidence that these eagles may stick around for a while.

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