Saturday, July 16, 2011

Another Trip to the Zoo

It wasn't too bad of a day today, so I decided to head over to the Detroit Zoo again. I really like going to the zoo although not as much in the summer as there are too many people and the animals aren't generally active. But the sun was shining and that generally helps for taking better pictures, so I headed over there.
One of the other things I like about the Detroit Zoo is that they have a pretty decent collection of flowers around some of the exhibits. They provide a nice contrast to the animals but they still aren't as cool as the animals. This flower is some sort of lily, I believe.
I think this is a vulture. The bird in the back is a condor. I kind of like the looks of these birds.
Another lily. I really like the red and yellow of this one.
A fawn of some sort.
One of the Detroit Zoo's camels.
The Zoo has a pretty nice enclosure for the gorillas and chimpanzees. It covers a good portion of the zoo grounds. The only problem is that they are sometimes on the other side. This one is a silverback gorilla.
As I said, it was a bit on the warm side, although it wasn't too bad. I think it might have been too warm for the polar bear.
I forget exactly what kind of bird this is, but I liked the looks of him.
An African Flamingo spreading his wings.
A stork.
Another African Flamingo.
A closeup of the stork.
I believe this is a chimpanzee sleeping. Well the animal is definately sleeping. I'm just not sure if he's a chimpanzee or not.
The Siberian Tiger. He was yawning for this pose. Sadly he wasn't a little closer.
The tiger looking at the gathered throng. He almost has the look on his face I could eat all of you.
A closeup of his face. You can kind of see his teeth.
One of the other monkeys.
As I've said in one of my earlier Zoo posts, the Detroit Zoo is in the process of redoing the lion exhibit. From the sketch they had on the fence, it is going to be glass encased so that the lions can get closer to the people. If it is like the Denver Zoo, that would be pretty awesome. Here are some workers working on the steel for the glass enclosure.
Another section of the enclosure.
The Japanese Snow Monkeys. I think they are doing something with their fur.
One of the meerkats.
A closeup of the meerkat.
The rhino. The rhinos are the fire marshalls of don't have any fires around them.
The zebra and baby zebra.
A warthog.
A pair of zebras. I think they are sort of standing guard.
A closeup of one of the zebras. I feel like I should have shot this in black and white.
An Ostrich.
A closeup of the giraffe. One of these days, I'm gonna have to participate in the feeding that they let you do. I think that would be pretty cool.
The wolverine was sleeping again this time. Although I kind of like this pose as he looks passed out. Maybe he's tired from all the new stuff that is coming out of Columbus. Or maybe he was in a race against Denard.
I believe this may be the first time that I've see the black bear out and about. Although he wasn't that much out and about.
Another nice thing about the Detroit Zoo is that they have some areas that include native species. This is a frog that was in one of the little ponds.
Some bison.
Some boars(?). I kind of like how they lined up.
A kangaroo.
I think this is some sort of deer.
A prairie dog eating.
The bald eagle. I kind of liked this pose.
Looking right at me.
In that confused pose.
A form of horse.
Another shot of the eagle.
I believe this is an emu.
All in all, it was a pretty nice day to go to the zoo. Unfortunately, many of the animals were sleeping or weren't very active but I still got some nice shots.

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