Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Pacific War Re-enactment

One of the signature acts of Thunder Over Michigan is the ground re-enactments that they do. So far they have done one in all of the shows I've been to except one. I think they caught alot of heat for not doing it, so they have been doing them since. So far, I've seen a couple Europe re-enactments, a Vietnam one and now a Pacific one. These are usually pretty neat as they combine planes with them.
A group of Marines waiting to get on the LVTP.
A Stuart tank.
One of the tank drivers waiting for the re-enactment to begin.
During the re-enactment. Unfortunately, I wasn't close enough, so I couldn't see as much as I wanted to see. But what I did see was pretty neat.
A Half-track. I think they try to catch a degree of realism in these as they seem very confusing.

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