Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Algolake

So before going up to my mom's, I decided to head over to Detroit for a bit. I wasn't sure if there were going to be any ships heading up the river but I figured I would take a chance. Well, just as I was getting to about the middle of Belle Isle, I saw this ship up near the Coast Guard station. Fortunately, I was able to catch it before it got out too far.
The Algolake was built by the Collingwood Shipyards in Collingwood Ontario in 1976. She is powered by two 4,500 horsepower diesel engines. She is capable of carrying a little over 26,000 tons of cargo.
She has always carried the name Algolake.
In 2000, she helped a pair of stranded boaters on Lake Huron.
Here she is sailing on to wherever she is sailing on to.

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