Wednesday, August 17, 2011

An Evening at the Zoo

One of the cool things about the Detroit Zoo is that during July and August they are open until 8. This is usually pretty good as the animals get more active in the evening especially if it is a little cooler. Given that July was a pretty hot month, I didn't feel like wandering around the zoo much but tonight wasn't too bad.

This is one of the condors. I think they are pretty neat looking birds.
Vultures. They look like they are having a conversation about something.
I kind of like this picture with the three heads.
One of the fallow deer.
This is another picture that seems to need a caption.
A pair of the arctic foxes were out. I think I like their cots a little better in the winter but this will do.
They were playing. This one was watching the other clean himself off and was waiting to pounce.
I liked this one too.
Even the polar bear was out and about.
The other one wasn't though.
His eyes look pretty wierd.
I kind of like this picture but I think I like my wild eagle pictures more.
I don't remember what kind of animal this one is.
One of the prairie dogs.
One of those days, I guess.
"What are you looking at?"
Even the bear was in a position where I could get a picture of him.
One of the storks.
The giraffe.
It's hard to believe that this guy was born a couple months ago. He's getting pretty big.
One of the other zebras.
The rhino.
It looks like the new lion pen is just about ready. It should be pretty cool as it will allow the lions to get closer (if they want).
One of my favorite animals.
This guy was wandering around the zoo.
I got nothing.
"And this was his last photograph before the bird pecked his eyes out...."
As I said, the zoo is pretty nice in the evening. Most of the animals are a little more active (although the wolverine wasn't). There was a decent sized crowd but it wasn't overwhelming. I may have to head back in a couple weeks.

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