Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Grumman Hellcat

This is one aircraft that I wish they would have had at Thunder Over Michigan. It was probably the aircraft that cemented the war in the Pacific.Development of the Hellcat started sometime in 1941 and was originally supposed to have a 1600 horsepower engine. Some early dogfights between the Zero and the Wildcat led to the Hellcat going back to the drawing board for some modifications. The first was some strengthening so that they could add a 2000 horsepower Double Wasp Engine. The first flight occured in June of 1942.
The Hellcat entered service in 1943 and in it's first engagement, 30 Zeros were downed to 1 Hellcat. The Hellcat could outperform the Zero in speed categories but the Zero could out turn it. The Hellcat was a major participant in the Marianas Turkey Shoot and would end up accounting for 75% of all Naval aerial victories in the Pacific.
This is just another messing with the zoom shot. I think it looks cool but I'm not sure if I like it.

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