Thursday, August 25, 2011

Huntington Beach, California

So on occasion, I travel outside of Michigan and Michigan Exposures becomes a travelogue of sorts. One of the places I visit fairly often because of work is Southern California and this week I happen to be there. One of the places I like to visit here is Huntington Beach.
No, I didn't eat this hamburger. It was on display outside one of the restaurants here and quite honestly, I can't say that I would even want to eat it. I guess there is pulled pork, onion rings, pineapple, egg and some other stuff. Maybe if it wasn't so big. Oh well.

This is a shot of one of the buildings on Main Street in Huntington Beach. I'm going to guess that this area had a resurgance at one point.

Looking up at a palm tree.

This is a statue of a surfing champion. Huntington Beach is a pretty good area for surfing. Every so often they host surfing championships.

Another angle of that statue.

The flag of the State of California.

A pelican diving for dinner.

I'm not sure why this person was using an oar for surfing but I kind of like this picture.

Riding a wave.

Another person surfing.

Another person flipping up.

As I was wandering down the pier, I watched some people as they captured this sand shark. I thought it was a pretty neat looking fish.

Another person surfing.

I think this person is wiping out.

Just a shot of the beach. I thought it was a pretty cool look.

A shot under the pier.

The sun setting.

Looking out as the sun sets over the water. I'm not sure what island this is.

A shot of Ruby's Restaurant at the end of the pier.

One of the food stands.

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