Friday, August 12, 2011

Jefferson Avenue - Detroit

You really can not cover Jefferson Avenue without covering Detroit. Detroit is a fairly large part of Jefferson Avenue. Interestingly enough, these are parts that this is only the second time I've visited them.
This has actually been one of my photograph goals in a while. So of course I had to stop and get a picture of a fire truck.
It's amazing how clean these are kept.
I really like this logo.
The entrance to Fort Wayne. I will go into more detail about this tomorrow. But Fort Wayne was constructed in 1851 and was in use until 1976 when it was turned over to the City of Detroit. It is now maintained as a historical site.
The area west of Detroit is still fairly industrial.
One of the docks still in Detroit. I think the ship in the back is the Federal Something. Behind that were the Boblo Island docks.
A shot of Detroit from Riverside Park again.
A shot of the Ambassador Bridge from a little turn off spot. It looked like it might eventually be a part of the Detroit Riverwalk.
One of the more famous buildings on Jefferson is the Joe Louis Arena. It is the current home of the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. They played their first game there on December 27th, 1979 (They lost to the St. Louis Blues 3-2). There was also an All Star game there later that season. Eventually, the Wings would win 4 Stanley Cups there. There is talk that they may be moving to a new home. I'm kind of torn by this prospect but I can understand why it will be done.
A shot of the Ambassador Bridge from near Joe Louis. I wasn't quite on Jefferson when I took this one though.
Somehow I had to take a picture of Jefferson's most famous statue.
And it's most famous building.
Although this sculpture may be more famous than the Spirit of Detroit.
This is another building that wasn't quite on Jefferson but I've been meaning to stop here. This building was constructed in 1874 and is of brick construction. It was used to house the oils and various other supplies that were used in lighthouses. It was later transferred to the Coast Guard and used as a headquarters. It is now owned by the City of Detroit and will be used as a museum.
I thought these were pretty neat. Old buoys.
I'm not sure what building this is but it is kind of indicative of many buildings along Jefferson in Detroit. Many have seen better days.
I forget what church this was, but I liked it.
The Hurlbut Memorial Gate at the foot of the Detroit Water Plant. Chauncey Hurlbut was one of the Directors of the Detroit Water Department. He had some money and donated to have this gate constructed. The buildings on the property are pretty nice too.
This is Pewabic Pottery. It is a pottery studio and gallery that was founded in 1903.
Another run down building. I want to say this is about where Detroit becomes Grosse Pointe.
Since I didn't take a picture of it earlier, I decided to take a picture of this church.
The Mariner's Church which was made famous by the Edmund Fitzgerald song.

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