Friday, August 5, 2011

Nichols Arboretum in "July"

July was a pretty hot month and I was pretty busy for alot of it, so I didn't have much time to make it over to the Arboretum. The heat finally broke this week, so I decided that I would head over there. Since it is early enough in August, I figure I can count this as my July post.

As I was heading into the park, I saw this tree off to the side. I really like how it was covered, so I took a picture.
It's hard to believe that a few months ago, this was covered with snow.
One of the unfortunate parts is that the flowers have bloomed and are about ready to leave.
A shot of the Huron River.
Some more of those flowers.
I'm not sure if this is a different type of flower.
Another part of the path.
I kind of liked how this tree was sitting in the middle of the Huron River.
I wish I knew what kind of flower this is. I think it is a lupine though.
I want to say this is a moth but I do like it.
A little bit better angle.
It's hard to believe this tree was just branches not too long ago.
I think this is butterflyweed.
This is one of my favorite parts of the Arb because it reminds me of what the settlers would have seen about 150 years ago.
I think this is a crab apple.
This is one of my favorite tree angles.
And a look at the sky.
Another look of the mighty Huron.
On another blog, I found out that there is a hawk family in the Arb. Tonight I saw the hawk but unfortunately some other people came and he flew away and my picture was a tan blob. Oh well, maybe next time.

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