Sunday, August 28, 2011

World War II Submarine Memorial - West

As I was heading down the highway, I saw a sign for a submarine memorial. Submarines are one of the things that pique my interest, so I decided to go look for it.
The memorial is located Seal Beach at the Naval Weapons Center there. It is not on the base proper so that people can go see it.
This is a torpedo. The memorial itself was built in 1977. Originally it just included World War II submarines that were missing. Now there are a couple of the modern ones (The Thresher and Scorpion).
Looking at the torpedo from behind.
This is a plaque commerating all of the submarines that are still on patrol. Still on patrol is the submariner way of saying that it is lost.
Another angle of torpedo. Looking from the front.One of the more famous subs of the Wahoo. She ended up being 7th on the list of World War II US submarines despite most of her patrols occurring when the torpedos were less than reliable.
The Trigger is the submarine the author of Run Silent Run Deep served on.
A closeup of the twin dolphins.
Another shot of the torpedo.
It's kind of a nice little memorial. Quiet and subdued.

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