Sunday, September 25, 2011

More Pictures of the Mackinac Bridge

I decided to head up to Tahquamenon Falls yesterday because it has been a while since I've been up there. I thought that possibly the colors would be in bloom yesterday. There were a few but not as much as I had hoped.
The weather was a little overcast and I thought it was hazy but it wasn't too bad. I like overcast as a backdrop for the Bridge. I think this one worked out pretty well, especially since you can see the whole bridge (almost).A little tighter shot of the Bridge.And even tighter.And the pretty much standard shot of the Bridge through the birch trees. I think the Bridge itself is a little blurry because I wanted the trees to be more in focus. I used a high enough f-stop that the Bridge was slightly in focus though.I don't usually get this shot of the Bridge.
As I was heading back to the car, the clouds broke a little bit to give nice lighting on the south tower. I kind of like the effect.

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