Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Tahquamenon Falls Again

So we made it to the Falls. There were quite a few people there and I'm not really a big fan when it is packed. I think they were expecting to see more colors too.Looking up at one of the trees. You can see a little hint of colors but there is still quite a bit of green.
I kind of liked the contrast of the reddish against the green.
The falls themselves. They are quite a bit less full than I saw them last year. You can see little hints of colors in there.
A shot where I slow down the shutter speed.
A closeup of the Falls.
A shot from another angle in the park.

Another leaf. I think I like this shot better than the first one I took. I kind of like how the light is passing through the leaf.
I didn't walk down to the Falls because I wanted to make it to Whitefish Point.

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