Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bay View National Forest Campground

Another one of the places we stopped at was the Bay View National Forest Campground. I don't think I've ever stopped here before either and it also was worth it.
It provided a nice sandy beach.
A shot from down on the beach.
An attempt to get some of the waves.
Looking back at the woods.
A piece of driftwood on the beach.
Another angle of that.
For a different look, I decided to shot it in black and white. What do you guys think of this?

1 comment:

  1. We love this campground. We stay here each year for 10 days. The beaches are pretty private meaning there are usually only a few people around. The water is a little cold but clear. The beach stretches for miles in both directions and is situated in the middle of a national forest so it isn't dotted with lots of cottages. A great place to relax and enjoy the beach!
