Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Brief Walk Around Eastern's Campus

Since I was in the area, I decided to take a brief walk around Eastern Michigan's Campus.  It's actually a pretty nice campus with some older buildings.  I will admit that I never really appreciated it when I was a student there.
This is Starkweather Hall which is one of the oldest buildings on campus.  It used to house a Christian Organization and now it houses the Graduate Offices.
The next shot is of McKenny Union.  It used to be the student center and was recently replaced by the new student center which is on the northern portion of the campus.  It still looks like a pretty nice building.
McKenny Union from another angle.  I was trying to get more of the building in the picture.
One of the Eastern Football Banners floating around.
This is Boone Hall which used to house the College of Education.  I'm not sure what houses these days.
A rock dedicated to the 160th Anniversary of Eastern Michigan University.
The Clock Tower of Pierce Hall.  I believe this is dedicated to the Eastern students that were killed during World War II.
A frontal shot of Pease Auditorium.  Recently this underwent some pretty serious renovation.

This week is Homecoming and I can't wait to take my camera and I to the game on Saturday.

Looking up at the Pierce Hall Clocktower.
The Eastern Michigan seal.  It looks vaguely similar to the State Seal but it has the flame of knowledge and a book.
Another shot of Pease Auditorium.  I was trying to get some of the fall foilage in the picture.
A building that I dreaded as a Freshman.  This was where we would register for classes.  They had punch cards and you had to get those cards in order to register.  It was a pain.  Recently, I found out this used to be the entrance to the old football stadium that was located on campus.

And finally Sherzer Hall.  When I was a student at Eastern, there was a fire here and it looked like they might not restore it.  But they were able to do so and now it looks like a pretty nice building.  I'm glad they were able to because it adds character to the campus.


  1. I've never been able to verify this, but I suspect that McKenny Union may have been one of the first college/university student centers to allow equal access to women, which it did from the beginning.

  2. I am actually amazed at how much history there is at Eastern. I never really appreciated when I was a student there but then again I guess I had other things on my mind at the time. One of these days I would like to check out the observatory at Sherzer.

  3. Very nice photos. For the record, the Graduate School is now housed in Boone Hall, as is Extended Programs and Educational Outreach (formerly known as Continuing Ed)! :)
