Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yet Another Appearance for the Ojibway...

This would mark the third appearance of the Ojibway on this blog.  I don't mind though as she is a nice looking ship and she was built in my home town.  It is amazing that something can remain afloat after almot 60 years of use.
As I was taking pictures of the Manistee, it started to rain a bit.  I figured that since I was already out and I would get wet anyway, I would stay and take the pictures.  I'm glad that I did because I think I really like this picture.  The ship somewhat obscured by the fog.
Because of that, I decided to get a shot with the Ren Cen in the background.  Sometimes it helps a little bit to get the scale of things.  Although if you were to stand the ship on end, it would probably be taller than the Ren Cen.
A shot as the Ojibway gets closer.
Passing under the Ambassador Bridge.  I think this is one of the reasons why I prefer Riverside Park to Belle Isle.
A closeup shot as she passes by.
Heading downriver somewhere.
Normally I don't like this angle, but I do like it in this case.
And heading into fog at the other end.

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