Monday, November 7, 2011

The H. Lee White Again

This is another ship that has appeared on this blog before.  So once again, I'm not going to go into too much detail about her on this post.  I tried to have my friend take a picture of me but I didn't like how it turned out because I was looking into the sun.  I kind of think it is time I have a picture of myself for my byline although the wolverine is pretty cool.
She was heading upbound and  I think the announcer said that she was going to Burns Harbor, so she probably was likely carrying iron or something like that.
A closeup of the superstructure.
A shot of the bow.
The almost straight on shot.
And the straight on shot.
Another shot of the superstructure.
And the straight on shot.  I guess one of the nice things about this spot is there isn't alot of clutter behind the ships, so I can get some decent shots.
And the ship as she is about to round the bend.

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