Thursday, November 3, 2011

In Front of the Ann Arbor Fire Station

Next up is some of the stuff in front of the current Ann Arbor Fire Station.  The current Ann Arbor Fire Station is right next door to the Hands On Museum but it doesn't look as cool.  In front of the building are a couple plaques and some examples of different fire hydrants.  That is kind of cool.

A plaque in honor of the Fire Department and Police Department.  There was also a plaque dedicated to the firefighters killed in the line of duty.
This is one of the fire hydrants in front of the station.  I never saw these before but then again I never really wandered in this part of Ann Arbor before.  I may have to go again when I have some better lighting.
I guess I never realized that there were different types of fire hydrants before.  To me, they all look kind of the same.
I believe this one was called the Detroiter.  I'm sure there is some history in this somewhere.

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