Tuesday, December 6, 2011

And Just Plain Winter

So as I said in my post last night, we had a bit of snowfall and I couldn't wait for the morning because there would be a nice covering on the trees.  And I was correct.  There were spots that looked absolutely beautiful but I couldn't stop to take pictures of those.  So you will just have to take my word for it.
 I took this picture as I stepped outside of my apartment.  I tried to get the sort of woods behind it but that picture didn't quite turn out as well as I would have liked.  However, I was happy with this shot especially with the bluish tint to it.  It just screams coldness.
 The next one was taken as I was heading into the office.  I love these trees and I really love how the snow is on the branches.
 I took a little break to wander around the property at work.  This was behind the building.
 The property around the office is actually pretty nice and is almost a park in its own right.  Occasionally I will see animals milling around.  A couple times I've seen a hawk flying around but of course he seems to know when I don't have my camera with me.
 This was another shot behind the building.  I am almost wondering if I should crop to the middle to make this look more abstract.
 A path that follows around the property.  I kind of wish the wires weren't in this shot though.
 This was shot through the glass in our cafeteria and hence it has a wierd coloration to it.
One of the birch trees in front of the building.  I really like these trees.  I almost think this picture would do well in black and white.


  1. Hum Bug! Well actually they are nice pictures.

  2. I really like Betula nigra (River birch). I think it's really underrated. Great picture of its lovely bark.
