Monday, December 5, 2011

The Arboretum in November

I also stopped by the Arboretum yesterday but the weather was getting nastier, so I didn't feel like wandering too far into the park.  The same issues that caused me to miss November for the dam also caused me to miss the Arboretum but again, there isn't much of a difference between Novemeber and now that it's not much of an issue.
I really like the looks of these berries, I just wish I knew what they were.
This almost reminded me of holly.
Looking down the path as you enter the park.
Looking downriver.
Another part of the path.  This was about as far as I went into the park, so I didn't get any pictures of the prairie or other parts of the Arb.  I will try those when I get a chance to do December's picture.
Looking up at the River.  I kind of wish it were a better day because I like the look of the river when there is blue sky.
Another shot of the berries because I liked the way the water was dripping off the one.  Unfortunately, it was getting too dark out, so I had to use the flash.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that tree is a Honeysuckle... pretty trees, but they're considered invasive. They have a knack for taking over and crowding out native plants & trees once they get established.
