Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Flock of Seagulls

Many people do not like seagulls.  I don't mind them because I like the coloration of their feathers but I do think there may be too many of them.  But as I was waiting for the ship, I decided to take some pics of the gulls.
 This was the shot that got me first, I kind of liked the look of the seagulls set out against the Ren Cen.  I'm almost thinking I should have used a higher f-stop to get the buildings in focus too.  Oh well.
 A lone seagull sitting on the fence.
 He turned to face me.  I wonder if he thought he was going to get some food.
 A group of seagulls with the Westcott building as the backdrop.
 A line of seagulls.
 I don't usually get shots of the seagulls in flight, so I am usually happy when I do.
Another seagull in flight.

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