Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Kaye E. Barker Again....

Next up is the Kaye E. Barker.  She has appeared on this blog before, so I'm not going to go into her history.
I kind of like photographing just before sunset.  The light is almost perfect and there is still enough that I have a high enough shutter speed.  I kind of wish I were a morning person because I would imagine this shot with a little bit of mist rising off the water if I were taking it a sunrise.  Oh well, this shot will work well enough.
I love the looks of a classic lake freighter.  After you've looked at enough of them, you start noticing just how unique each one of them is.
I kind of wish those silos weren't in the background of this one.
A closeup of the pilothouse.  I really need to figure out a way that I can get one one of these to take pictures from the other side of one.
Here she is approaching the Ambassador Bridge.
Shots like this are one of the reasons I prefer the Riverside Park to Belle Isle.  Belle Isle is nice but the Bridge isn't as nice of a backdrop from there.
Here she is passing the Bridge.
As she heads up north to get more cargo.  Pretty soon, she will be packed up for the winter.
The Saginaw passing her.

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