Saturday, December 10, 2011

More Eagles

I went up to my mom's today and that meant a stop by the eagles.  She said there were seven there earlier in the week, so I was hoping that I would see some.
 I stopped by the spot as I was heading into town.  I only saw this one which is one of the immature eagles.  He was a ways back in the woods though, so I couldn't get a great shot of him.
 I got to my mom's and took a bit of a nap.  I woke up and headed to do her shopping and I stopped at the eagle place again.  This time there were two of them.  Unfortunately, the one flew away just as I parked and I couldn't get a decent shot of him.  The other one stuck around for a bit.  I think I would have liked this shot a little more if the branch weren't in the way.
 I like this shot a little better.  I especially like the color of the setting sun on his head.
This is another I would have liked a little more.

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