I think this might look cool in black and white.
I think this is supposed to be the Last Supper but they didn't have the rest of the apostles.
I really love some of the details on this building.
This is probably the coolest part of the Shrine. I don't remember how tall it is but it does look pretty impressive in person.
Another set of doors.
This is near the tall structure. I love the sculpture in this Shrine. This is another form of Mary.
I think the inscription says "Making charity abundant" and it comes from Thessalonians.
A couple of the sculptures on the side of the structure.
Looking up at the Cross.
A couple sculptures on the other side.
The front of the cross. I think this is the part of this that I like the most. I remember the first time I saw this and it made an impact. The more I look at it the more impressed I get.
Lovely photographs. The first picture is of St. Theresa, not the virgin Mary.