Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Twelve Months of Nichols Arboretum

So this is twelve months worth of Nichols Arboretum.  I don't feel like I scratched the surface of the park, so I think I'm going to use this as one of my projects for next year.  There are so many other places to see in the park.  One of my goals was to try to take a picture from the same place every month and I almost did it.  Unfortunately, it didn't show the seasons quite the way I wanted.

So here goes...
 January was pretty cold and snowy but I picked a nice day for photographing.  It wasn't snowing.  This is one of the shots you see as you first come into the park.
 This is almost the same spot but a month later.  There is still quite a bit of snow on the ground.
 One of my favorite spots in the Arb is the field that is towards the back.  I really like this tree and I figured it would be a better subject for the seasons.  So this is what it looked like in March.
 I think this is the same tree but in April.
 The same spot of the River that was used in the January and Februrary pictures.  As you can see, the trees are in full bloom.
 Another one of my favorite spots in the Arb.  I really love this tree and this spot in the Arb is fairly peaceful.
 July brought us flowers as well.  The green is very cool in this month.
 Another tree that almost became the entire focus.  This was in August.
 September brought some leaves falling off that tree.
Looking up the River in October.  Unfortunately, I took this picture too late in the month so the colors are just about gone.
 Looking down river in November.  Still no snow yet.
And the tree in December.  If I had taken this picture a week before, there would be a bit of snow and if I had taken it later this week, there might be snow in it.  As it was, it looks suspiciously like my November picture.

I hope you enjoyed looking at these as much as I did taking them.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I enjoyed...:) Thanks for sharing..
