Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wandering Around Belle Isle

Yesterday, I went down to Belle Isle because I wanted to see the inside of the Conservatory.  I'm not really sure it was the best day for it as it snowed almost the whole day but it's been warm enough that the snow wasn't accumulating.  It still made for exciting road conditions on the way home though.

I do kind of like it just after the snow fall though especially if there is a little bit of snow on the trees.  The white sets off nicely against the typically darker colored branches and stuff.
This is the main road that circles around the island.  Of all the times I've visited Belle Isle, I don't think I've ever taken a picture of this.  If you look to the right, you'll notice red and white stripes.  Those are leftovers from when they did the Grand Prix on Belle Isle.  From what I've heard, that is returning next year.
The Scott Fountain is turned off for the winter but I liked the reflection in the pool, so I took a picture.  The water was eerily calm yesterday.
The Nancy Brown Peace Carillon.  I've posted about this before, so I'm not going to go into the details here.  I liked how the snow was piling on parts of it.
From a slightly different angle.  I wanted to get more of the trees in it.
Looking up towards the tower.
The main road at the other side of the island.  I believe this road is called The Strand but I'm not sure if it keeps the name throughout the island.

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