Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Detroit Auto Show

These are my pictures from the Auto Show itself.  As I said in one of my other posts, I really should have taken one of the days off and went during the week.  It wasn't too bad as we first got there but as the day carried on, there were more and more people around the exhibits.  I'm glad that some of the exhibits had cars that were cordoned off.
 The first place we stopped at was the BMW exhibit.  This was one of their concept cars.  I think that BMW makes some pretty cool looking cars.
 One of the Bentley Cars.  This exhibit was completely roped off but I can't say that I blame them.
 The Smart Car is one of my least favorite cars.  For its size, it should get much better gas mileage.  If I remember correctly, it is in the mid-30's.  It should be in the mid-40's at least.  Not to mention, I think it is a butt ugly car.
 One of the Mercedes cars.  You can see the crown around it.
 I thought this one was pretty cool.  I think it is a Nissan concept car.  I tried to get a picture from the front but there were too many people for me.
 The Ford Mustang.  This is probably one of my favorite sports cars.
 The Ford Fusion.  I think Ford had one of the bigger exhibits in the show.  They didn't have any concept cars but they did have a bunch of new product to show.
 The Shelby Logo.
 Another angle of the Mustang logo.  I kind of like how the different things reflect off it.
 This was a Ford Roadster from the 30's.  This was at the Lincoln exhibit.
 One of the Shelby Cars.  This was pretty cool too.
 I forget which Car company this race car belongs to.
 The Chey M-Ray.  I think this was a concept car as well.  I really like the looks of this one.  I think it is supposed to be a hybrid.  And it doesn't look like one.
 The M-Ray from the Front.
 I forget what car this was.
 A shot from the front.
 Chevy's other concept car.  I think this is also a hybrid.
 The Camaro Hot Wheels version.
 One of the Mazda cars.
 A Dodge Challenger.  Originally, I had said Charger but another alert reader pointed out my mistake.  I really like the fact that many of the auto companies are going back to the look of cars from the early 70's.
 I'm not sure what car this was but it was one of the Dodges.  And thanks to an alert reader, I now know this is a Dart.
 One of the Porsche cars.  If I could afford one.
 The Porsche from the front.
 The Porsche logo.
 The Mini.  This is another car that I kind of like.
 Another of the BMW concept cars.  I think this one is supposed to be plug in.
 A Tata car.
I think this is a Renault concept car.  It looks like it might have a solar roof which is a really cool idea.

Well, I had fun at the auto show but the number of people there got in the way of my photography.  If I decide to go next year, I'll have to pick a day during the week.


  1. The Dodge with the door open is the new Dart.

  2. It's sorta amusing that the Ford Roadster did not look out of place at all among the pictures you took. Despite its age, it has a very good look and style. You can almost fool someone into thinking that it's a new concept car...
