Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Detroit People Mover

As I said in my teaser post, I went down to the Auto Show today.  It has been at least 10 years since I've been there.  I'm thinking that I probably should have taken a day off and went during the week but I guess this will do.

I decided to park at Greektown and take the People Mover over.  It has been even longer since I've ridden the People Mover but it is something I've wanted to do.
 Just a shot of the Greektown Station.
 One of the People Mover Trains.  The People Mover has been in the works since 1975 but never opened until 1987.  When it did open, it was scaled back considerably.  It was going to cover more area of Detroit but instead covers an area that can almost be walked.  Although on a day like today, it was nice to not have to walk it.
 A shot from inside the car.  I don't think the People Mover has ever broken even.  Maybe if it connects up with a train that goes elsewhere, that might change.
 Many of the stations have artwork in them.
 This is one of the mosaics from the Cobo Station.  I think these are the cooler looking ones.
 Some of the rest of the cars.
I don't remember what station this was.  I think it was the one right after the Cobo Hall Station.  I kind of liked the artwork.  I guess the People Mover is not too bad.  It's a shame it doesn't cover a wider area though.

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