Friday, January 6, 2012

Downtown Ypsilanti

After the College of Business, I decided to take a couple shots of downtown Ypsilanti.  It looks like a pretty typical southern Michigan town.
 I kind of like the color of the buildings.
 A little more color on the other side of Michigan Avenue.
 I kind of like this shot a little better.
And this is Abe's Coney Island.  I know it's been around as long as I have been in Ypsilanti.  I remember going here late at night.  The food isn't too bad.  There are definately different crowds night and day.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I came here looking for old pictures of downtown Ypsilanti. I was born there in 1968. My brother still lives there right down from the water tower. He's actually putting it family home up for sale tomorrow. It's a 1920's home.
    At one time we lived right in downtown Ypsi in 1973.
    My grandmother worked at the Bomber Plant at Willow Run. We have a long family history in Ypsilanti.
    I remember when Abe's had it's grand opening. I believe a President of the U.S. even visited it at one time.
    I found this looking for old photos of downtown Ypsilanti. I may have to go to the historical society to find what I'm looking for.
    Thanks for a trip down memory lane.
