Thursday, January 12, 2012

My First Ship of the Year - the Roger Blough

So this is what I came down to Riverside Park to see.  As I said, I saw that the Roger Blough was coming upbound and I found a spot where it tells where she is heading and it turns out that she is heading back to Duluth for her winter lay up.  Since this would be the last time I would see her for a while, I decided that I had to get pictures of her.  As a bonus, the Michipicoten was following behind her fairly closely, so I figured I might have a chance to get a picture of her as well.

As she has appeared on this blog before, I'm not going to go into her history.  And while I have taken a couple other ship pictures this year, they don't really count as this is my first with the ship in motion.
 The Blough as she passes the island.  You can see the Coast Guard boat in front of her and presumably it was conducting a search effort downriver.  To the right, you can see the faint outline of the Michipicoten.
 The Roger Blough as she gets a little closer.  I don't know why I like this ship but I do.  I think it might have to do with the way she sits in the water because she looks like a gator ready to pounce or something.
 One of my favorite angles for ship pictures.  You get a pretty good idea of how it looks.
 The ship as she gets a little closer.  There was a guy with a marine radio standing next to me and at this point the Blough was getting hailed by the Coast Guard informing the captain of the search efforts up ahead.
 A shot of the pilot house.
 I think this is one of my better profile shots of the Blough.
 As she gets closer to the Ambassador Bridge.
 A little more under the Ambassador Bridge.

 An almost shot of her stern.
If you look closely at the people in the Police Boat, you can see they are holding up something.  I am imagining they are taking a picture of the boatnerds are everywhere I think.

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