Saturday, January 7, 2012

Some Ships on the Detroit River

I had to go up to my mom's today but before I left, I checked boatnerd to see what was coming down the Detroit River.  I was excited to see that the John Munson was coming down but I wasn't sure I could make it.  As I approached Riverside Park, I saw that the Munson passing by the park.  I thought that maybe I could catch her a little further down, so I turned on Jefferson and tried to follow her.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find a spot to pull into to get a good shot of her.  It was all fenced in down that way.
 So on the right is the John Munson and on the left is the American Century.  Both ships have appeared on this blog before, so I'm not going to go into detail on either of them.  I waited a bit because I thought the American Century was coming further up the river.
 It turns out she wasn't.  So I took this picture and called it good.
 Docked at the Steel Mill was the American Integrity.  This is another ship I have covered here.
I thought I would pull out a bit to get more of the steel works.  I'll have to admit they look pretty cool.  Although I think they look cooler on a day when there is more steam billowing.

Sadly, these weren't quite the pictures I was hoping for but I guess they'll do.  While they are my first ship pictures of the year, I'm not going to count them.

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