Thursday, January 12, 2012

White Chapel Cemetery

Every so often, I find myself on I-75 just north of Troy.  As I go that way, I pass this cemetery.  I've seen the building in the milddle of it and have always been curious about it.  About a week ago, I found out that they had a memorial to the Polar Bear Regiment there, so that piqued my interest a little more so I decided to stop there on lunch while I was at the Troy office.
 As you enter the Cemetery, you are greeted by a fairly ornate gate and to the side of the gate are some pretty cool looking friezes.  This one looks almost like a knight.
 This one is an angel.
 I kind of wish that I could have gotten a better angle for the gate but it is a fairly busy road and there's no place I could stand to get the right angle, so I'd have to be content with this shot.
 The detail on one of the columns.
 Looking towards the side of the gate.
 There are quite a few statues in the park.  This particular one is on the road as you leave the gate.  I thought it was pretty neat.  I think the figure in the front is supposed to be Odin.
 Assuming the person in front is Odin, I'm guessing that these are ravens.
 A closeup of his face.
 This is the Chapel.  I kind of liked the view from in front of the fountain and this makes me want to go back in the summer when the pond isn't frozen and the fountain is running.
 Another one of the sculptures.
 A detail on the sculpture.
A closeup of the Chapel.

This was a pretty neat cemetery.  I'm not normally keen on going into cemeteries but they make for neat photographic opportunties.  I'm definately going to have to come back when I have both the time and the weather is nicer.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this, my grandparents on both sides of my family are buried here. I have never been to Detroit and would love to see this grand cemetery and my relatives graves.
