Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Parts of Eastern Michigan in the Fog

I figured that since I was in the neighborhood, I would also take a couple shots of the area of Eastern's campus near the Water Tower.  It actually has some of my favorite buildings.
 The front entrance of McKenny Union.  One of these days I'm gonna try to get a full shot of it.
 Looking at Pierce Hall through the fog.
 Sherzer Hall slightly obscured by the fog.  I'd have to say this is one of the neater buildings on campus.
 The tower of Starkweather Hall.
 Looking at the front of Sherzer, unfortunately it may be a little on the blurry side.
 Another angle of Sherzer.  This one is probably one of the better angles because it isn't too obscured by trees.
This is Briggs Hall.  When I was a student at EMU, I hated this building.  Recently I learned that used to be the site of the football and baseball fields.  It's kind of a shame that they are a ways from campus.  But there's no looking back now as most of the land on campus is spoken for.

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