Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Shiver on the River

This picture is a recycled picture but I needed to show it to talk about something else.
Speaking of revitalizations....

On this Saturday (February 4th, 2012), the Belle Isle Aquarium will be open to the public from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. for a free event called "Shiver on the River".  I think this is the first time the aquarium has been open to the public since it closed in 2005.  They are going to have some fish in some of the tanks and there may be other events as well.  If you are in the area and can attend, please do.  I am guessing if there is a large enough show of support, this may become a more common occurrence.

NOTE:  I have since found out this is not the first time the aquarium has been open to the public since 2005 but this is the first time they have some exhibits in the tanks.  So like I said, if you are in Detroit and would like to see this become a more frequent occurrence please attend.


  1. Thanks for the reminder. I think I'll be heading there after my conference.

  2. Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium has opened the aquarium to the public at least 3 times per year since 2005. What is different about this year is that we are a part of the Belle Isle Conservancy, we have won two grants that will fund roof and window repairs AND we have many exhibits up and running - we even have a SHARK! Come down and make our event a success so that we can open more often - say maybe once a week! Let the Belle Isle Conservancy you want the Aquarium opened as soon as possible!

  3. I had no idea that they opened it up now and then. It sounds like a great idea. Don't know that I can make it down there, though:(
