Monday, February 6, 2012

Some Shots Around the Aquarium

If i would have had some time on Saturday, I would have made this the continuation of my Belle Isle series but as it was, I was fairly pressed for time.  I only had time to take the shots as I was waiting in line or going back to my car.  Plus the fact that it didn't really look like Belle Isle in February helped a bit.
 I kind of liked the look of this gnarly tree.  I thought it would look better in black and white, so I shot it in black and white.
 The Nancy Brown Peace Carillon.  I was around long enough to hear the chimes playing for quite a while.  It sounds pretty peaceful.  Unfortunately, this shot was obscured by the trees a bit.
 A shot of the Peace Carillon as I was heading back to my car.
This is the stream that sort of runs between the Strand and the Conservatory.  I liked the blue color but it reminded me more of a summer day than what is supposed to be in the middle of winter.

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