Saturday, February 11, 2012

The University of Michigan - Law Quadrangle

I was going to head over to the west side of the State today but the road didn't feel like cooperating today.  It snowed just enough last enough to make the roads fun.  The sad part was that the freeway looked fine enough until I actually got on it.

I'm kind of bummed too because it looks like it would have been windy over there and that would have made for some nice lighthouse pictures.  One of these days I hope to get some pictures where the ice is draped over the sides of the catwalks for those lighthouses.

So I decided to stay in the area and I figured since I had my camera with me, I'd head to Michigan's campus and take some pictures.  It has been a while since I've been there.  I wasn't going to take too many pictures though as it was cold out.
 I think my favorite part of Michigan's campus is the Law Quadrangle.  Heck, I think they may be some of my favorite buildings period.  The architecture reminds me of Oxford.  This would be the south part of the Law Library.
 The entrance to one of the halls just outside of the law library.
 I think the thing that I like the most are the little details on the buildings.  It seems like I always notice something new when I do one of these trips.
 Another one of the little details.
 Looking up at one of the spires of the Law Library.
 The main entrance to one of the residence halls.
 A chapel.
 The State Seal of Michigan.  This is to the side of the Law Library's entrance.
 A close up shot of some of the glass work above the Law Library's entrance.
 At the other side of the entrance.
 Just above the Library entrance.
 One of the archways in the quad.  There are some really neat details here too.  But more about that in the next post.
 Looking above one of the archways.
One of the other archways.

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