Friday, March 16, 2012

Creatures Most Fowl

So I decided to head over to Gallup Park tonight after work.  It was a nice night but a little on the humid side.  It certainly beats the thunderstorms and tornadoes we had yesterday.  Besides, I wanted to see how bad the flooding on the Huron River was.
 Of course a stop at Gallup Park means pictures of the swans and stuff.  The light was just about right for it too.
 I was trying to get a shot with a reflection in it.  Unfortunately, I took the big lens at first and I couldn't pull the zoom back enough.
 It seemed like the swan was hamming it up though.
 This is a blackbird and not fowl.  But oh well.  I do like the colors on him though.
 I'm not sure why his wings are curled up like that in the back.
 A closeup of his face.
 Pretty much the classic swan pose.
 A Mallard.  It looked like he had something over his eye.  I'm almost tempted to color it in with red to make him look like Devil Duck.
 And another shot of the swan.
 Just to prove my robin picture from Sunday wasn't a fluke.  Although this one seems blurry.
 Imported goose.
 This duck was ducking his head under water and I liked how his head sheened a bit.
 This particular goose was chasing off the other geese.
 I figured I would try a reflection with a goose.
 Another head shot.
 He was just swimming around and showing off at this point.
 I kind of like how he sets off against the blue background.
 Almost a nice reflection.
 Almost the golden light.
 I kind of like how this one turned out.
 "You still taking my picture?"
One last shot of the swan.  I was trying to get his head framed with his wings.

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