Tuesday, March 6, 2012

An Evening at Gallup Park

One of the things I like about the impending spring is that the days start getting longer which means that I have more time for photography.  I had to get a haircut tonight but  I still had a little light left to head over to Gallup Park for some pictures.
 I love the look of swans.  I'm not sure what sort of swan this is but I think they are pretty cool looking.  I don't get too close though because they are pretty nasty.
 Another closeup of his head.  He was hissing at me a little bit so I decided to move on.
 A shot of the moon.
 A female mallard swimming around.
 A male mallard.
 I think this is a white goose.  But I'm not sure.  I see this bird around Gallup alot though.
 Another mallard.  Unfortunately, it was starting to get dark too quickly after I got to the park.
 Another female mallard.
 Another swan.
 A shot looking across the pond.  I'm not sure I like the moon though.  It seems too bright.
 This swan started to show off for me, so I took a few pictures of him.
 A closeup of his head.
 I really like it when they curve their necks.
 I tried to pull out a bit to get his reflection but the water was too choppy.
And one last shot for the evening.

So I guess this means spring is coming closer which also means that I'll be taking ship pictures soon.


  1. Great pics - it was a beautiful (and warm) day for a walk in the park. The swan population has really taken off in recent years (the warm winter sure helped). Again, great pics.

  2. I haven't been to Gallup in years. Great shots!
