Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One Last View of the Bridge

Well this isn't my last view of the Bridge as I'm sure I'll be up there again at some point in the future.  Hopefully I will go up there for Engineer's Day at the Soo Locks if not sooner.  At any rate, this is the last view for this particular trip.
 We decided to stop at the little park just off the Bridge on the St. Ignace side.  I think I like the view from the park in Mackinaw City but this one will do.
 A closeup shot of the Bridge.  This park provides a different set of lighting.
 The camera pulled out to get more of the Bridge.
 An attempt at framing the Bridge.  To the right is a statute dedicated to the folks who built the bridge.   To the left is a tree.
 Since my dad was driving, I had another chance to get pictures of the Bridge as we were crossing.  I don't like this part though because it means I have to head back home and get back to work.
 I don't think I've ever paid attention to this particular view.
 Getting closer to the Bridge.
 I think this makes for a nice view.
 This one not so much.
While I think this is a pretty cool shot, this is my least favorite view of the Bridge because it means I am leaving the Upper Peninsula.

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