Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Philip Clarke in the Locks

There were a couple more ships that passed through the Locks but it was dark and I couldn't get good pictures of them.  As I woke up I saw that the Philip Clarke was coming through the Locks.  This is a ship I have seen before but it was too far way to get a decent picture.  It seems to be another one of the ships that I keep missing.
 We arrived at the Locks just in time to see her as she was finishing the process of raising up to the level of the Lake Superior.  So I took a couple pictures and headed to the end of the Locks to catch her as she was leaving.
 So I headed to a spot near the end of the Locks to catch her as she was coming out.  I have to admit that they look more impressive this way.
 The discoloration to the right is because the fence doesn't allow for some angles of the camera.  However, this picture gives a good idea of the size of the ship.
 It's a little worse here.
 Fortunately, I could take a picture as she was straight off.

One more shot before she leaves.

It was pretty cool to actually stay in Sault Ste Marie.  Usually when I go up there, I only have a couple hours, so I will see one or two ships if I am lucky.  This time I got to see a bunch of ships.  I hope that this level of traffic holds up.

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