Sunday, March 18, 2012

Point Betsie Lighthouse

About 10 miles north of Frankfort is one of my favorite lighthouses.  It is called Point Betsie Lighthouse.

 As I have posted this lighthouse on this blog before, I'm not going to go into its details.  They are in the process of restoring it though and I'll have to admit it is looking pretty nice.  I think I'll have to come back and take a tour inside.
 My mom suggested this shot.  I kind of like how it is framed by the big branches but I'm not so sure about the little branches.
 I tried this shot too but I'm still not sold on it.  Although the little branches make for an interesting effect.
 The shot as I was approaching the lighthouse.  It's amazing how the sand covers up the fence.
 I think I like this shot a little more because it's a little cleaner.
 A shot of the tower.
 Sort of looking up at the tower.
 Looking at the front of the lighthouse from around the beach.  I couldn't get closer to the beach because the waves were kicking up even higher here.
 Looking up at the tower again.
 Looking at the lighthouse from an oblique angle.
 I kind of liked how the shrubs obscured it a bit.
 I tried for one more shot.
 Another obscured shot.  I think I like this one a little better because the brush seems a little cleaner.
 An attempt at one of my earlier shots with more of the lighthouse in it.
 A shot of the grounds.  The little building to the right is the fog horn.
One last shot.

1 comment:

  1. I have not been to this lighthouse yet! Pretty awesome shots. What kind of camera are you using? Suzie
