Saturday, April 14, 2012

And the Captain Henry Jackman

As I said in an earlier post, the Manitowoc was moving slowly up the River.  After a while, I figured out why.  She was waiting to get into the spot that was occupied by the Jackman.
 Here is the Captain Henry Jackman docked at the Windsor Stone Docks.  She has appeared on this blog before, so I wont go into the details on her.
 I was about ready to give up and leave.  It was rainy and I was getting cold and I had to be somewhere.  Just as I was about to pull out of the park, I saw the Jackman starting to pull out.  So I parked the car again and got out to take some more pictures.
 As she gets a little closer.
 Well, I will provide some details.  Here is a shot of her bow.
 A closer shot of her bow.
 The pilothouse.  I'm still not 100% sold on the ships where the pilothouse is in the back.  I like my lake freighters classic.
 A closer shot of her pilothouse.
 The name and the Algoma logo.  It's amazing how much rust is on her.  I almost wonder if she plied the oceans over the winter.
 A shot of just the bow.
 Here she is passing the Ambassador Bridge with the Westcott at her side.
 A shot as she is under the Bridge.
 Getting further upriver.
And one last shot of her.  Sadly, some of the shots I wanted to use didn't turn out so nicely.  But oh well.

1 comment:

  1. She was not at Windsor Stone. She was at Sterling Fuel, which is between the two stone docks.
