Monday, April 9, 2012

Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial

I don't remember if I got a shot of this before or not, so I'll post it.  It's not a very good shot of the memorial.  I think to get a good shot of it, I will need to take a ferry to it.  At any rate.
The Perry's Victory Memorial is in Put In Bay, Ohio.  It is the site of the victory of Oliver Hazard Perry over the British Fleet in the Great Lakes.

The Memorial itself is 352 feet tall and is the world's most massive doric column.  It was constructed from 1912-1915.  Beneath it are the remains of 3 British and 3 American officers.  It is among the tallest memorials in the United States.  The memorial celebrates the victory of Perry but also the lasting peace between the US, Britain and Canada after the war.

Currently it is closed because of some deterioation but supposedly it will reopen July 1, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It looks like it's rising out of the lake.
